On December 22, 2024, the Senate Speaker and Legal Representative of the United Methodist Church of Burundi (EMUBU), Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, joined the faithful of this Church of the Parish Kabezi, in the district of Bujumbura, during the Sunday prayer. He was accompanied by a Senator elected in Bujumbura City as well as administrative officials of this province.
In his preaching, Right Honourable Sinzohagera relied on passages taken from the Holy Scriptures, notably in Psalms 143:10 and Luke 1:38. He encouraged Christians to accept the divine will and exhorted them to roll up their sleeves, assuring that God will bless their work.
In addition, the Senate Speaker gave a contribution for the preparation of the Christmas festivities, hoping that the faithful can celebrate this period in joy and unity. He also encouraged the leaders of EMUBU to share, especially during this festive period.
The Legal Representative of EMUBU reminded the faithful that God calls us to do good works and forgive others. He then emphasized that, through his mercy, God came to save all human beings. Finally, he invited Christians to implore God to teach them how to fully accept His will.