On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 in a plenary session led by the Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, senators adopted the program of activities for the period from September 28 to October 09, 2020.
That program read as follows:
On Monday, September 28, there were activities in committees,
On Tuesday, September 29, there was a meeting of members of the extended bureau, the adoption of the program of two weeks for activities of the Senate and a resolution establishing a special commission responsible for the follow up on the recommendations made by this institution and collecting the concerns of the population.
Wednesday September 30 will be devoted to activities in committees.
On Thursday, October 01, senators will analyze and adopt a bill amending the Law N° 1/22 of December 30, 2011, reorganizing higher education in Burundi.
On Friday October 2, members of the Bureau of the Senate and those of the Bureaus of the standing committees will participate in the ceremonies marking the start of the 2020-2021 legal year which will take place at Kigobe convention center.
On Monday, October 05, senators will analyze a bill on ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the Agreement establishing the standby force in East Africa and that on the ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the convention of the “Central Africa for the control of light and small arms, their ammunition and all parts and components that can be used for their manufacture, repair and assembly called “Kinshasa convention”.
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 06 and 07, will be devoted to activities in committees.
On Thursday, October 08, senators will consider the analysis of a bill on tax procedures and that on income taxes.
By the end, on Friday October 09, before noon, there will be activities in committees while the afternoon will be devoted to sports.