The First Deputy-speaker of the Senate, Honourable Denise Ndadaye, Honourable Senators, the Secretary General of the Senate as well as other Senate executives participated in a gender café for women parliamentary leaders. These activities, organized by the Association of Burundian Women Parliamentarians (AFEPABU) in collaboration with UN-Women, took place on July 16, 2024, in Muha commune, Bujumbura City under the theme: “Advocacy and exchange on the normative framework, gender and women’s leadership with women parliamentarians.”
The President of the Association of Burundian Women Parliamentarians said that the purpose of this exchange is to reflect on the content of the current communal and electoral laws as long as these laws concern them. As women leaders, they bear the responsibility to inform others about these laws. Thus, women leaders must make other women aware of the merits of being part of the decision-making bodies in order to change the image of the role of women who must henceforth be awakened and make decisions like men.
On the same occasion, she appealed to the Government to position women in decision-making bodies because their role is of great importance. As for women who have not yet engaged in political life, she reassured them that it is a good thing, and urged them to join political parties, to demonstrate their abilities, especially since women of yesterday are different from those of today.