On Sunday October 17, 2021, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, , accompanied by his wife, three senators among whom two from Bujumbura City and the third from the constituency of Gitega, joined the Christians of the Friends’Church of Kamenge, in the town of Bujumbura, in a Sunday prayer.
In his message addressed to the Christians of this parish, at eve of the commemoration of the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye, Hero of Democracy, the Right Honorable Sinzohagera called on Burundians to adopt a democratic attitude, and to inculcate democratic values to their children from an early age. ‘‘These values can even be taught in schools and churches, if need be. Thus, this attitude would be transmitted to other sectors of the country’s life, which would contribute to the respect of the ballot results”, he emphasized.
He urged them to keep on respecting the barrier measures against Covid-19, and to pray for their leaders, starting with the Head of State.
The Speaker of the Upper House of the Parliament also called on the population of Bujumbura City to protect water sources and fight against the pollution of the Lake Tanganyika water.
His preaching was based on the Holy Scriptures, especially St Mark 10: 46-52, and he requested the Christians of this Church to never be discouraged even during difficult times, to keep on praying and to be always guided by faith.
He promised to join them in the ongoing construction work.
This Sunday celebration was also attended by the Minister having national solidarity and social affairs in her attributions.