Parliamentary Activities

October 10, 2020

The Senate Speaker participates in the opening ceremonies of the judicial year

The Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, along with his Deputy Speakers and the Senate senior officials, participated in the opening ceremonies of the judicial year […]
October 9, 2020

The Second Deputy-Speaker of the Senate offers a gift of 100 sacks of cement to Ruyigi province

The Second-Deputy of the Senate, Honorable Cyriaque NSHIMIRIMANA, joined the population of Ruyigi commune in the construction work of a new provincial office on Saturday, October […]
October 6, 2020

The Senate Speaker joins the Christians of Church Plein Evangile of Gitega Commune in a Sunday prayer

The Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, with some Senate executives, joined the Christians of the Church Plein Evangile of Yoba Quarter, in Gitega Province, in […]
October 4, 2020

The Senate Speaker acknowledges the Anglican Church’s contribution to the country’s development

Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, the Senate Speaker, accompanied by his family and his First Deputy-Speaker as well as other senior officials of this Institution, joined the […]
October 3, 2020

Call on Shombo commune population to join cooperatives

On Saturday, October 03, 2020, the Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, joined the population of Shombo commune, in Karusi province, in community development works which […]
October 2, 2020

The Senate Speaker participates in the opening ceremonies of the judicial year

The Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, along with his Deputy Speakers and the Senate senior officials, participated in the opening ceremonies of the judicial year […]
October 1, 2020


The Senate, Considering the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi; Considering the Internal Instruction of the Senate especially in its articles 34, 36 and 39; Considering […]
September 29, 2020

Adoption of the program of two weeks for activities of the Senate and a resolution establishing a special commission responsible for the follow up on recommendations

On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 in a plenary session led by the Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, senators adopted the program of activities for the […]
September 29, 2020

Resolution N°SNB/CP/074/2020 of September 29, 2020 establishing a Special Committee for follow-up the recommendations made by the Senate and collection of the population’s grievances

The Senate Speaker, Considering the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi especially in its articles 163, 192 and 207; Considering the Internal Regulation of the Senate […]

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