On Thursday, April 06, 2023, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his wife and his two Deputy-speakers, joined the Head of State, His Excellency Evariste Ndayishimiye and his wife, in the commemoration ceremonies of the 29th anniversary of the assassination of President Cyprien Ntaryamira.
The ceremonies were also attended by other high dignitaries of the nation, including the Vice-President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Ombudsman, members of the Government, various distinguished guests, Representatives of the Diplomatic and Consular missions accredited in Burundi, as well as a huge crowd of Burundian citizens.
These ceremonies took place in Bujumbura, the economic capital of Burundi, at the democracy martyrs’monument, where rest the body of the illustrious disappeared and those of his collaborators murdered with him. They began with a prayer in their memory.
At the beginning of this prayer, the parish priest of Regina Mundi Cathedral, Father Fupi Félix who led it, explained that the Eucharistic celebration was not planned for these ceremonies, since the day coincides with the Easter triduum.
The ceremonies then continued with the laying of wreaths at the mausoleum of the late President Cyprien Ntaryamira, starting with the Presidential Couple, then in turn, the Representatives of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps accredited in Burundi, the representatives of the families of the martyrs of democracy, and the various approved political parties in Burundi, starting with the CNDD-FDD.
Finally, the participants followed an extract from the speech delivered by President Cyprien Ntaryamira, during his investiture, where he called on Burundians to be united for the restoration of peace, respect for human rights and to be characterized by discipline in all sectors.