The Speaker of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, joined on Saturday February 04, 2023, the inhabitants of Nyambuye zone, Isare commune of Bujumbura province, in the extension works of the Basic School (ECOFO) Mpinga located at Nyakibande village.This work consisted in the concrete mix and the paving of three classrooms of this school.
The Right Honourable Sinzohagera, in his speech, congratulated the natives of this locality who initiated this project and encouraged them to initiate other projects that can develop their village.
He also encouraged the girls of this locality to continue their studies until the University, and exhorted the parents not to encourage their young girls to make early marriages.
To support the development activities on this village, he contributed 25 sacks of cement for this construction of ECOFO and 25 sacks of cement for the construction of the office of this village.