On 29 July 2022, the First Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Honourable Dénise Ndadaye, accompanied by a deputy and a senator elected in the constituency of Mwaro, met local elected officials, representatives of the decentralized services and social actors of this province to discuss security and development issues
Honourable Dénise Ndadaye first of all, recalled what can disturb security, pointing out notably cohabitation, land disputes, the consumption of prohibited drinks. She thus asked communal administrators to urge the village leaders remain close to the population in their daily life and help resolve their grievances
Concerning school dropouts and unwanted pregnancies in schools, Honourable Ndadaye urged administrative authorities to closely monitor this issue because it is one of the insecurity factors.
Regarding the shortage of some Brarudi products, sugar and cement, the First Deputy Speaker of the Senate reminded traders to proceed with the distribution of those products with transparency and impartiality.
Among the concerns raised by the population are those relating to justice, the lack of equipment for the veterinary clinic, the lack of veterinaries, etc..