The Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, participated in the thanksgiving prayer crusade organized by the presidential family.
This event took place on Saturday, December 28, 2024, on the grounds of ETS Kamenge, located in the zone Gihosha of the Ntahangwa commune. He was accompanied by his wife, the First and Second Deputy Speakers of the Senate as well as senators and some officials of the Senate.
The crusade, which theme was inspired by Exodus 18, 19-23, began with a thanksgiving mass celebrated by the archbishop of the archdiocese of Bujumbura, Monsignor Gervais Banshimiyubusa, at the Saint Jean Baptiste Parish.
In his preaching, Monsignor BANSHIMIYUBUSA stressed that this day coincides with the commemoration of the children victims of the tyrannical power of Herod, a tragedy which affected the Catholic Church during Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus Christ. He urged the faithful present to fight against discrimination, to carry out their missions with all fairness, to avoid favouritism, and to protect everyone so as not to fall into the traps of evil, just like Herod who massacred his own sheep instead to defending them.
In his speech, His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of Burundi, affirmed that the country is blessed by God, calling it a “country of milk and honey”. He stressed the importance of turning to God before making any decision. The President of the Republic also mentioned the year 2025, which will mark the beginning of the implementation of Burundi’s vision as an emerging country by 2040 and developed one by 2060. He stressed that this year will coincide with the elections of people’s representatives at different levels, and called on all elected officials to actively engage in this vital project for the nation.