In accordance with article 168 paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi, the Prime Minister, Lieutenant-General of Police Gervais Ndirakobuca presented, on Thursday, February 23, 2023, the report on the implementation of the Government programme for the first semester, fiscal year 2022-2023, to the Parliament, meeting in Congress, at the Hemicycle of Kigobe, in the town of Bujumbura.
During his presentation, the Prime Minister explained that in the implementation of the national policy, each ministry has drawn up an annual action plan, which is inspired by the National Development Plan: 2018-2027.
This report is a mid-term evaluation, which indicates ministry by ministry the achievements of the Government during the period from July 1 to December 31, 2022, for all the concrete actions planned.
For example, one of the objectives of the Ministry of National Defense and Veterans Affairs was to pilot the national reforestation project “Ewe Burundi urambaye”. It was planned to plant 3,889,510 trees in all the provinces of the country, for a deadline ranging from July 2022 to June 2023. The report shows that 2,992,657 trees have already been planted, and, according to that report, the objective has been achieved at a rate of 77%.
According to the Prime Minister, the average rate of achievements of the 15 ministries of the Government of the Republic of Burundi is 85.56%. The results obtained by these ministries vary between 62.37% and 99.64%. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender is ranked 1st with 99.64% of its completions.
After having followed the presentation of this report, parliamentarians addressed to the Prime Minister questions of clarifications and orientations to solve certain socio-economic problems of the population.
In his speech, the Speaker of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA appreciated the organization of field visits by members of the Government in order to collect grievances from the population.
As for the concern of parliamentarians in relation to the need to rehabilitate the landing runway at Melchior Ndadaye International Airport, the Prime Minister reassured them saying that the Government has already planned for it.
The other concerns raised by the parliamentarians are, in particular, the attendance fees requested by the local notables during the mediation sessions as well as their working tools. They then asked a question related to the connection of all economic operators to the Burundi Revenue Authority (OBR) server to end tax evasion and fraud.
The parliamentarians also expressed the need for REGIDESO to accelerate the pace of electricity distribution in regions not yet lit, the production of a film illustrating the achievements of the Government, etc.
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