As part of the supervision of youth on vacation, the First Deputy-speaker of the Senate, Honourable Denise Ndadaye, accompanied by a senator from Mwaro constituency, joined the pupils of Nyamugari village, zone and commune Rusaka of this province during the contour lines tracing.
After this work, Honourable Ndadaye encouraged them to continue to tackle development work, and to continue their studies to prepare a better future. She called on them to love their homeland and avoid rumours, especially in this pre-electoral period.
The First Deputy-speaker of the Upper House of the Parliament advised them to exploit their scientific knowledge through the implementation of development projects, particularly rabbit breeding. She urged them to respect their parents, and to continue to preserve peace and security.
In the same village, Honourable Ndadaye then visited the tourist site of Mpotsa, which houses the tombs of the queen mothers.