On Saturday October 31, 2020, the Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, joined the population of Nyambuye village in Isare commune, Bujumbura province, in community development works which consisted in collecting stones and in the earthworks of the land where the office of the chief of the village will be built.
Shortly after those activities, Right Honorable SINZOHAGERA, in his remarks, thanked the population of that village for their massive participation and invited everyone to take ownership of that project both materially and morally.
The Senate Speaker expressed his wish to see the construction works of that storey office completed within five months. He also provided pieces of advice aimed at protecting the environment, buckling down to works in the fields, practicing animal husbandry and fighting the spread of Covid-19.
To support that project of construction of the village chief’s office, Right Honorable SINZOHAGERA promised to contribute 100 sacks of cement.