On Friday, may 14, 2021, at the 49th anniversary of the 1972 events, the Senate of the Republic of Burundi organized at the Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika in the town of Bujumbura, a second Conference on the theme; “To remember and properly qualify the events of 1972 events” under the chairmanship of the President of that institution, the Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his two Deputies, the Honourables Spès-Caritas Njebarikanuye and Cyriaque Nshimirimana.
The Former President of the Republic,of Burundi, Mister Sylvestre Ntibantunganya, the main orator, demonstated that during that period of 196-1972, Burundi faced a decade of incubation of a genocidal virus.
As matter of fact, Mister Ntibantunganya made it known that the Prince Louis Rwagasore had called on those who were fighting with him for independence of Burundi to point out ethnical divisions which characterized some of them who did not like the unifying power of the king.
However, some politicians did not surrender. On october 21, 1965, the Captain Michel Micombero, who was then Secretary of the Government for Defense, decided to dismiss all the ministers.
Furthermore, deceived by some politicians, the Prince Charles Ndizeye was enthroned on September 1, 1966 whereas his father (King Mwambutsa) was still alive.
The reign of Ndizeye will not last longer, because on november 28, 1966, the Captain Michel Micombero overthrows him, putting an end to the monarchy and proclaimed the Republic.
But, before all what happened, according to Mister Sylvestre Ntibantunganya, some personalities such as a certain commandant named Martin Ndayahoze and a team of priests of the diocese of Gitega denounced preparations of a genocide.
Mais, avant tout ce qui s’est passé, selon Monsieur Ntibantunganya, certaines personnalités comme un certain Commandant du nom de Martin Ndayahoze et un groupe de prêtres du Diocèse de Gitega avaient décrié les préparatifs d’un génocide
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