In the year two thousand and twenty-five, on the tenth day of February, Senators met in the Senate hemicycle for the 226th plenary session of the sixth legislature to:
- analyse and adopt the draft program of activities from February 17 to 28, 2024;
- analyse and adopt the draft resolution analyzing the results of research on the German colonial period and the Belgian administrative reform of August 21, 1925 in Burundi.
The session was led by Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, Speaker of the Senate. This session was attended by 30 senators and began, as usual, with a prayer at 10 a.m.
Opening the session, the President of the session first welcomed the Honorable senators present before presenting them with the draft programme of activities to be carried out for the period from February 17 to 28, 2025. The latter was adopted unanimously by the senators present.
Then, senators addressed the second point on the agenda relating to the analysis of the draft resolution analyzing the results of research on the German colonial period and the Belgian administrative reform of August 21, 1925 in Burundi.
After exchange and enrichment of the content, this draft resolution was also adopted unanimously by the senators present.
The session, which took place in a climate of perfect understanding, was closed at 11:40 a.m. with a prayer.