In the year two thousand and twenty-four, on the twenty-sixth day of June, senators met in the hemicycle of the Senate for the 198th plenary session of the sixth legislature under the aegis of the Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, Speaker of the Senate to examine the analysis and adoption at second reading of the bill n°1/…du/…/…/2024 on the electronic and postal communications code.
This session, which was attended by 39 senators, began, as usual, with a prayer from 10:30 a.m.
Opening the session, the Senate Speaker first welcomed the Honourable senators present. He subsequently gave the floor to the Chairman of the committee responsible to present the analysis report on the second reading of the above-mentioned bill.
In his presentation, the speaker indicated that in an annex to the request for the second reading of the bill on the electronic and postal communications code, the Presidency of the Republic of Burundi mentioned the provisions subject to examination as well as the motivations for this second reading.
Thus, after in-depth analysis of this text, it turned out that its application would be problematic and it is with this in mind that certain provisions were pruned and others proposed in order to avoid inconveniences.
This bill on second reading, continues the Honourable Ferdinand NDAYISAVYE, is part of the perspective of giving effect to the orientations of the National Policy for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies.
Finally, the reasons for its adoption are among others the adaptation of the legislation, the regulations and the mode of regulation to the level of competition observed in the communications and postal sectors, the liberalization and regulation of the postal sector as well as supervising the operation of the electronic and postal communications sectors.
At the end of the presentation of the report and the adoption of the formal amendments proposed by the committee, the bill was put to the vote and was adopted unanimously by the 39 senators, among whom 26 present and 13 proxies.
The session, which took place in a climate of perfect understanding, was closed at 11:05 a.m. with a prayer.
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