The year two thousand and twenty-two, on the twelfth day of May, senators met in the hemicycle of the Senate for the 88th plenary session of the sixth legislature to analyze and adopt the amendments of the joint committee of the two Chambers of the Parliament on organic bill n°1/04 of February 20, 2017 on the missions, organization, composition, instruction, conditions of service and functioning of the National Defense Force of Burundi.
This session, which was chaired by the First Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Honourable Denise NDADAYE, began at 9:40 a.m. with a prayer and was attended by 26 senators.
Proceeding to the opening of the meeting, the chairperson of the meeting first welcomed the Honourable senators present and then invited them to adopt the modified programme of activities before moving on to the item listed on the agenda for the day.
All the amendments presented were adopted unanimously by the 31 voting senators, among whom 26 present and 5 proxies.
The session, which took place in an atmosphere of perfect harmony ended at 10:10 a.m. with a prayer.