The year two thousand and twenty-two, on the thirteenth day of April, senators met in the hemicycle of the Senate for the 83rd plenary session of the sixth legislature to analyze and adopt the bill on Ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the financing agreement N°. D9440-BI between the Republic of Burundi and the International Development Association, in favor of the support project for productive social safety nets and jobs (MERANKABANDI), signed in Bujumbura on January 24 ,2022.
That session, which was chaired by the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, began at 9:45 a.m. with a prayer and saw the participation of 33 senators and a representative of the Government, namely the Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, Mrs. Imelde SABUSHIMIKE.
Proceeding to the opening of the session, the Senate Speaker first welcomed the Honourable senators and then invited the Representative of the Government to present the preamble of the aforementioned bill. In his presentation, the Minister recalled that the project has been successfully implemented in 4 provinces namely Ruyigi, Karusi, Gitega and Kirundo, benefiting 56,090 households.
For the Government Representative, MERANKABANDI project noted record achievements in terms of production of income-generating activities, joining of savings and loan groups among which village cooperatives, agricultural and pastoral investments, access to health services and improvement of hygiene and sanitation, schooling of children, etc.
Moreover, on the basis of those very satisfactory results, the Government has sent a request to the World Bank to scale up MERANKABANDI project nationally, and an amount of 150 million $ has recently been approved by the board of directors of the World Bank Group on December 14, 2021. She ended her presentation by stating that the bill is structured in 6 components, 3 of which being the same as those of MERANKABANDI pilot project which will soon come to an end and 3 others being added following the various recommendations and lessons learned.
After the presentation of the reasons, the Right Honourable Speaker of the Senate gave the floor to the President of the Standing Committee in charge of Economic issues, environment, finances and the budget, issues, Honourable Fabrice NKURUNZIZA, to present the analysis report of the said bill mentioned above.
Thereafter, the Senate Speaker gave the opportunity to the Honourable senators so that they could speak under the general debate and ask questions for clarification.
Upon being asked why the Kobero centre in Muyinga province is not among the beneficiary households of the MERANKABANDI II project while that same centre is economically affected by COVID-19, the Minister replied centres which have been affected by Covid -19 were numerous whereas the means available were limited. If the means permit it, there could be an arrangement so that that centre could be added, she clarified.
At the end of the general debate, the bill on ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the financing agreement N°. D9440-BI between the Republic of Burundi and the International Development Association, in favour of the project of Support for Productive Social safety Nets and Jobs, signed in Bujumbura on January 24, 2022, was unanimously adopted by 39 senators, including 33 present and 6 proxies.
After adoption, the Extended Bureau met to plan the programme of activities for the period from 13 to 27 April 2022. When they came back to plenary hall, that programme was presented as follows:
At 12:07 p.m., the session which took place in a climate of understanding ended with a prayer.
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