In the Sunday prayer of July 7, 2024, the Speaker of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his wife, the senators elected in Bujumbura Town and certain executives of the Senate, joined the faithful of ISRAEL CHURCH BURUNDI of Jabe in Mukaza commune of Bujumbura Town.
In his preaching, he based himself on the words found in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and John 16:33.
He invited the faithful not to lose courage following the current hardship because with despair we can commit the irreparable; not to attach importance to visible realities because they are temporary while the invisible ones are eternal; to always keep hope; not to give in to fear and the pressure of the dramatic situations they are going through.
To close his teachings, he called on the Christians to refer to Genesis 50:24-26 to see how much hope Joseph had.