The Speaker of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by some parliamentarians elected in the constituency of Bururi, met the representatives of the people of Rutovu commune, in Bururi province, on Friday July 14, 2023, to inquire about the desiderata of the population, resolve them and transmit to the authorized bodies those which were not solved.
In his remarks, Right Honourable Sinzohagera called on the inhabitants of this province to adopt the policy of limiting births, protecting the environment, in particular by planting trees and digging contour lines.
He also called on them to come together and work in cooperatives and carry out self-development projects, fight against cohabitation, preserve culture and customs, love their country and closely monitor the education of their children.
Responding to the concerns of the population, the Speaker of the Upper House of the Parliament reassured the village notables that the General State Budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 provides for resolving their wishes related to attendance fees during ordinary meetings and work tools.
He asked the communal administrators of this province to sensitize the population on the building of the village offices, which are also used by the village notables.
Right Honourable Sinzohagera promised them that he will transmit to the competent authorities their grievances linked in particular to irregularities in the administrative release for the civil servants, the need to give the chance to pupils of 9th form who have failed in class to take the national examination, building new vocational centers, and many more.
Other concerns raised include land disputes, the lack of electricity in some localities, adverse consequences for teachers who have undergone redeployment, pensioners who spend a lot of money to follow their files in Bujumbura, etc.
Shortly after this meeting, the Senate Speaker visited the layout site of Jiji for the Jiji and Murembwe hydroelectric project, currently under construction.
We will check your location suggestion and release it as soon as possible.