As part of implementing the appeal of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, with regards to the Community Development Project, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, in the company of some members of his family, planted potatoes for season B, in Ruzibazi village, at the Ruzibazi Seed Centre, in Mayuyu Zone, commune MUKIKE of Bujumbura Province, on a two hectare-field, this February 14, 2025.
Speaking to the media, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera recalled that the riches that God has given to people are found in the ground. He added that we must take advantage of it especially since He promised that He will bless the works of their hands.
He also urged the Burundian population, even those who live in cities, to go inside the country, to seriously exploit their fields, with a view to increasing production to feed themselves and export the surplus.
The Senate Speaker also thanked the Government of Burundi for facilitating access to fertilizers necessary for good production.
In closing, he asked the Government of Burundi to continue to give the population selected seeds since these are the ones that give more production.