On May 18, 2024, the Second Deputy-speaker of the Senate, Honourable Fabrice Nkurunziza, accompanied by parliamentarians from Karusi constituency as well as administrative officials, joined the population of the village Muhororo, Nyarurambi zone, in the commune of Shombo, for cleaning gutters on the road linking the RN 12 to the Mabaya health centre.
After this activity, Honourable Nkurunziza reminded the population of the importance of roads for the commune development. Then, he invited them to continue to cultivate fruit trees, in particular avocado trees, continue to develop coffee cultivation, fight against fraud and protect the environment.
The Second Deputy-speaker of the Senate also urged residents to prepare for the 2025 elections calmly, avoiding rumours which disturb the population.
onourable Nkurunziza encouraged the population to become more involved in community development projects in order to achieve the country’s vision.