On Saturday, March 12, 2022, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by parliamentarians elected in the constituency of Bujumbura, took part in a general assembly of natives, friends and residents of Bujumbura province.
This general meeting took place at Mageyo professions teaching centre, in Mubimbi commune. It was a meeting to assess the achievements of the year 2021, for the members of “Solidarity for Peace and Development of the Province of Bujumbura (SOPADEBU, an association of which the Senate Speaker is also member. This year’s theme was: “Together for the development of our province”.
The Right Honourable Sinzohagera, in his message addressed to the participants, challenged the residents of Bujumbura to union and solidarity for the development of their province. He called on them to break with anything that could separate them, to be characterized by the love for one another, and to accomplish large-scale projects together, including the establishment of factories in this province.
He asked them to contribute to the purchase of desks and teaching aids, intended for some schools which need them in the province.
The Speaker of the Upper House of the Parliament wanted their association to be restructured, so as to include all the residents of this locality without distinction.
Among the achievements of the past year which have been presented are the distribution of health insurance cards to some vulnerable people in the province, the training of some university graduates in entrepreneurship, the assistance to some victims of landslides and flooding in that same province.
Shortly before this meeting, the Speaker of the Senate had distributed aid to 60 families of vulnerable people in the zone of Mageyo zone. This aid had been collected by the same natives of the province, and each beneficiary received 5 kg of rice, 10 kg of beans, 1kg of sugar, and some soap and salt.