On Friday September 04, 2020, the Senate Speaker, Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his wife, joined the servants of God, natives of Nyambuye village, in Isare commune of Bujumbura province, in an organized crusade from 04 to 06 September, 2020, in the same village to thank the Lord for having kept them from the war of 1993 until 2020.
In his message to the inhabitants of this locality, the Right Honorable Sinzohagera, asked them to continue to thank the Almighty for keeping them during this period as there are those who died during the war of 1993.
The Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament gave them a lot of advice, asking them to buckle down to development work, safeguard peace and security, fight against Covid-19, etc.
This crusade was also attended by the wife of the former President, His Excellency Denise Nkurunziza (who presented the word of God of the day), the parliamentarians elected in this constituency and certain high authorities of the country. This crusade was closed on September 06, 2020 in the afternoon.
The ceremonies of this day were marked by religious teachings and songs.
In compassion for those who lost theirs, the Senate Speaker offered loincloths to 60 households, on behalf of the organizers of this crusade.