On Saturday, August 17, 2024, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his children and parliamentarians from Bujumbura City constituency, joined the population of Ntahangwa commune, Kamenge zone, to participate in the cleaning of the gutter of the 14th Avenue, Mirango quarter.
Shortly after this cleaning work, Right Honourable Sinzohagera explained to the population the importance of being aware of the negative consequences of our actions on the environment, especially by thinking about justice for future generations. He said that man fights against various kinds of wars, but often forgets his fight with the environment, a very important war which will cause him problems in his life and that of his descendants.
The President of the Senate informed the audience that there is no law to decide when man is in conflict with the environment. He stressed that all this waste is deposited in Lake Tanganyika, a natural wealth that God has given us and which provides drinking water. He warned that if we do not change our mentality by controlling our actions on the environment, our children will lack water in a few years. In addition, harmful consequences such as climate change and the drying up of water sources will be inevitable.
The Right Honourable Sinzohagera reminded the Mayor of Bujumbura city that all cities have a development plan and asked the inhabitants to roll up their sleeves to properly organize and clean up their city. He urged the Mayor to offer quality sanitation services.
Speaking about the general population census, the Senate Speaker invited the population to answer the census agents’ questions correctly, without omitting anything, telling the truth. He stressed that it is a special census which will make it possible to know the true wealth of the country. He advised Burundians to give up the bad behavior of hiding their wealth, as this prevents the country from knowing its true wealth and assessing whether it has achieved its goal of becoming an emerging country by 2040 and developed by 2060.
Finally, the Senate Speaker sensitized the population on the respect of hygiene measures recommended by health workers in order to fight against monkey pox, a highly contagious disease whose incubation period can be up to three weeks.
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