This Thursday, January 16, 2025, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, Speaker of Burundi Senate, received in audience Mrs PIETROBON Elisabetta, Ambassador Representing the European Union in Burundi. Their meeting focused on bilateral cooperation and the socio-political situation in this pre-electoral period.
The Right Honourable Senate Speaker welcomed his visitor, before appreciating the good relations between Burundi and the European Union, which, he recalled, have been going on for a long time. He indicated that as an institution which represents the people, the great concern of the Senate is to defend the interests of the people and to be, ipso facto, the voice of the voiceless. On this, the Right Honourable Senate Speaker took the opportunity to ask if the sanctions which had been imposed on Burundi are still going on or not. He also reassured that the Parliament must ensure transparency in the electoral process and ensure that the leaders of political parties respect the requirements of the Constitution.
Taking the floor, Mrs. PIETROBON thanked the the Senate Speaker for the welcome. She then indicated that after the dialogues held between the Burundian authorities and the European Union, the sanctions initially imposed on Burundi were lifted. She took that opportunity to announce that the European Union finances many projects in Burundi, in different areas among which education, health, agriculture, etc.
Addressing the issue of the upcoming elections, she appreciated the fact that all parties, including the opposition ones, will participate freely in the upcoming elections. She recalled that this election period is a key moment for the country, given that it determines the emergence of the country. She confirmed that the country is on a good path in terms of political stability.
The two personalities shared the point of view that it is neither development aid nor donors who will make the country emerge, but rather investors. They also recognized that this country has extraordinary potential, given its geographical position and its natural resources, which gives hope that future generations will benefit from these assets.
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