On Thursday, October 24, 2024, the Senate Speaker, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, accompanied by his two Deputy-speakers, Honourable Denise Ndadaye and Honourable Fabrice Nkurunziza, followed the presentation of the Report on the implementation of the work plan and the Annual Budget of the Government for the second half of the year, 2023-2024. This presentation was made by the Prime Minister, His Excellency Gervais Ndirakobuca, before the parliament in joint session, in accordance with Article 168, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of Burundi, at Kigobe Convention Center.
The report shows the planned programs containing actions and concrete activities to be carried out while complying with the National Development Plan (PND).
In his presentation, the Prime Minister indicated that the main activities carried out are divided into 4 areas, namely the political, economic, social and environmental areas. He said that overall, the rate of activity implementation stands at 80.43% while the budget execution rate stands at 80.09%. The Prime Minister also said that they encountered some shortcomings, particularly in the implementation of the program budget since it was a new program for which experts were not well trained.
In their concerns, the parliamentarians asked whether the government undertook, in the program budget, the capacity building for experts who will implement the program budget and whether those who bought sugar at a high price before the price revision will be reimbursed. They also wanted each ministry to present its mid-term achievement report.
In his speech, the Right Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera requested the implementation of the recommendations made by the parliamentarians and the categorization of the latter in order to quantify them, as far as possible, so as to find clear answers on the achievements already made, with a view to properly monitor the government action.