The Senate Speake, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, met, on Friday January 07, 2022, the teaching staff of the schools of his native village of Nyambuye of the Isare commune, in the province of Bujumbura, to discuss the strategies to be adopted in order to improve the success rate of students.
The Right Honourable Sinzohagera, in his message, spoke of the past of that village of Nyambuye. He said that he was delighted with the step taken with regard to building of schools because out of six sub-villages, five have already built at least one school.
He congratulated the teaching staff for the high pass rate in the 9th grade competition, but deplored the loss on the state exam in post-basic schools on Nyambuye village.
In addition, the Speaker of the Upper House of the Parliament invited teachers to recognize that their job constitutes a vocation, a noble profession for which everyone must do their utmost for the success of learners. To that end, he called on them to work according to that provincial theme in Education: “To increase the success rate course by course and class by class“.
Shortly before, the Communal Director of Education in Isare, Mr. Lucien Mbanjeryiza, raised the challenges facing the education sector in that commune, in particular the excessive number of students, the insufficiency of textbooks as well as that of benches and desks, the frequent delays and absences of teachers.
During the discussions, the educators cited some obstacles to the success in schools. Those are notably the insufficient number of teachers, the insufficiency of school materials especially for the 4th cycle classes and those of the post-fundamental section, the lack of some textbooks, of laboratory equipment, desks, etc. Finally, thev Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera called on educators to do their best to improve the quality of teaching and therefore the success rate in schools.
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