In the morning of Friday March 29, 2024, the Speaker of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, launched the activities of the Caucus of Burundian Parliamentarians on illicit financial flows and taxation, at Kiriri Garden Hotel in Bujumbura Town. This caucus was jointly organized by the Tax Justice Network (TJNA) and the African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) in collaboration with the Senate of Burundi.
In his speech, Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA indicated that the Senate will take necessary measures to improve tax resources and the management of public finances through appropriate legislation and increased awareness among the population to ban tax fraud.
The Senate Speaker took this opportunity to demonstrate unwavering support for the project to create the Caucus and the establishment of its governing bodies. Alongside these activities, an APNIFFT Burundi committee was set up. It is chaired by Honourable Spès Caritas Njebarikanuye with Honourable Constantin as Vice President. Honourables Carine-Belyse Dukundane, Jocky Chantal Nkurunziza, and Jean Bosco Ntunzwenimana are members, Mister Rénovat Niyonzima being the coordinator.