The Parliament of Burundi, in collaboration with UNICEF Burundi, organized a capacity reinforcement workshop for parliamentarians and parliamentary executives, from April 16 to 18, 2024, in the admnistrative centre of Ngozi province. The theme of this workshop was: “capacity building for parliamentarians members of the commission in charge of finance on the analysis of the finance bill with a focus on the analysis of the budget of the social sectors taking into account the macroeconomic indicators of Burundi.”
Opening the workshop, Honourable Pacifique NDIHOKUBWAYO, President of the standing commisssion responsible for economic, environment, finance and budget issues, thanked UNICEF for having technically and financially supported the holding of this very important workshop for the Burundian Parliament. He was also delighted with the existing partnership between UNICEF and the Parliament of Burundi.
He indicated that the April session is devoted to the analysis and adoption of the finance law which is a tool of great importance in the programming and implementation of development projects in ministerial sectors.
“As legislators, we have to be enlightened on the techniques for calculating the GDP and other macroeconomic aggregates of different sectors of the economy in order to be able to easily analyze and vote on the finance and budget bill., to know how these indicators affect the financing of social sectors,” said Honourable NDIHOKUBWAYO.
The UNICEF representative, for his part, recalled that the State budget is an essential tool because it determines in a single document all the budgetary and financial resources and charges at its disposal to implement its policy. .
He also indicated that as part of the implementation of the cooperation programme between UNICEF and the Government of Burundi for the years 2024-2027, UNICEF Burundi has implemented a programme dedicated to public finances for children in order to promote transparency, efficiency, equity and coherence of public investments in favour of children.
Moreover, he indicated that the social sectors constitute one of the Government’s priorities retained in the Vision, “Burundi Emerging Country by 2040 and developed Country by 2060” and the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027.
Other secondary themes were developed, notably the introduction to the macroeconomic framework; the link between macroeconomic aggregates and the living conditions of children; the analysis of the real sector and calculation of GDP and inflation; the analysis of the external sector, monetary sector and the interrelationship between sectors; budgetary analyzes of the social sectors and the analysis of the public finance sector and the calculation of macroeconomic indicators.
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