On Friday September 11, 2020, the First Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Honorable Spès-Caritas Njebarikanuye, conducted a visit to Nyabikenke, Ryansoro commune, in Gitega province, to inquire about the inventory of fixtures for a bridge, which was built by the students on summer holidays in collaboration with the administrative authorities of those localities.
Honorable Njebarikanuye appreciated that work carried out by those students and encouraged them to continue in this perspective to develop their administrative entities. To this end, she offered copybooks to those students to support them.
The First Deputy Speaker of the Senate continued his tour in Ndava, Mahwa zone where she distributed copybooks to students who took part to summer holidays work, on behalf of an association called ‘Etoile du Burundi’ of which she is a member.
On this occasion, Honorable Njebarikanuye advised those students to buckle down to community development activities, to promote entrepreneurship, to join ‘Sangwe’ cooperatives, to adopt responsible behavior and avoid early marriages and unwanted pregnancies.