On Wednesday, December 08, 2021, the First Deputy-speaker of the Senate, Honorable Dénise Ndadaye, opened the activities of the 6th Congress of the Order of Professional Accountants of Burundi (OPC), organized under the theme: “The ‘professional ethics and deontology, two pillars for the exercise of the accounting profession”, at La Détente Snack Bar, in Bujumbura Town Hall.
Honorable Ndadaye, in her opening speech for those activities, indicated that the State of Burundi recognizes the efforts undertaken by the order of professional accountants since its creation in 2011, and that the general theme of that Congress fits well with the current policy of the Government, because it is the ethics and deontology that must take precedence over any scientific knowledge.
She explained that the organization of such workshops contributes to improving the business and investment climate in Burundi, and to promoting good governance and financial transparency in the public and private sectors. The First Deputy-Speaker of the Senate also reiterated the Government’s commitment to support the activities of the OPC, to support it in its process of joining IFAC, and to do its best for the smooth running of the business climate.
The First Deputy-Speaker of the Senate also noted that there are still challenges to be addressed in accounting and auditing standardization, in order to allow existing mechanisms to function effectively.
The activities of that workshop took place during the period from 08 to 10 December of this year. Topics covered included ethics in business, professional integrity and diligence, the IFAC’s ethics code, the accountancy profession and what the future holds, the practice of accounting and its contribution to the tax compliance education, etc.