Missions in the countyside

July 24, 2024

Pupils encouraged to prepare a better future

July 23, 2024

The Senate Speaker is satisfied with the achievements of the YWAM Centre

July 19, 2024

Students on vacation invited to participate in community interest work

July 13, 2024

Young people on vacation called on to help their parents

July 10, 2024

Students on holiday invited to tackle various tasks

July 6, 2024

The population of Kirundo asked to prepare for the next general census

June 15, 2024

The population of Rutana called to promote modern agriculture and breeding

June 15, 2024

The population of Nyabihanga urged not to listen to rumors

June 1, 2024

Burundi Road Agency asked to intervene to rehabilitate RN 21

May 25, 2024

The population of Rumonge thanked for having safeguarded peace and security

May 25, 2024

The population of Shombo commune called to prepare for the 2025 elections in serenity

May 18, 2024

Residents of Bujumbura city called to fight against diseases linked to lack of hygiene

May 11, 2024

The inhabitants of cankuzo urged to plant avocado trees

May 11, 2024

The population of Karusi called upon to manage the harvest well

May 8, 2024

The population of Gihanga called for birth control and fight against cohabitation

January 20, 2024

The population of Muramvya urged to prepare for an upcoming general population census

January 20, 2024

The Speaker of the Senate encourages the population to build their country and preserve peace and security

January 14, 2024

The Senate Speaker invites FECABU Christians to act according to divine will

January 13, 2024

The population of Bujumbura called to continue to preserve peace and security

January 13, 2024

The population of Bujumbura City invited to preserve security

January 7, 2024

The population of Ruyigi is encouraged to actively participate in various works in order to promote its development

September 30, 2023

The population of Kirundo encouraged coming together in cooperatives

September 16, 2023

Inhabitants of Kayanza encouraged to raise rabbits and promote children’s education

September 16, 2023

The Right Honourable Sinzohagera invites the people of Bururi to contribute to the development of their constituency

September 14, 2023

Education officials in Bujumbura urged to implement strategies to improve pupil performance

September 10, 2023

The faithful of EUSEBU Church called upon to take care of the sanitation of Bujumbura Town

September 9, 2023

The population of Muramvya invited to protect the environment

September 3, 2023

Beloved Church congregation in Kabezi urged to work hard to develop

September 2, 2023

Bururi population urged to fight against bushfires

September 2, 2023

Honourable Dénise Ndadaye invites the inhabitants of Mwaro to comply with the law and support the village notables

September 2, 2023

The Speaker of the Senate warns people who sell plots to foreigners

August 31, 2023

Assessment campaign of the ethnic quota system in Karusi and Muramvya provinces

August 5, 2023

The population of Bukemba urged to get down to self-development work

August 4, 2023

The population of Mwaro advised to love and help one another

July 16, 2023

Christians of Nyanza-Lac Pentecostal Church invited to practice modern agriculture and livestock

July 15, 2023

Bururi population urged to protect the environment and ensure good harvest management

July 14, 2023

The Population of Bururi invited to regroup and work in cooperatives to develop

July 14, 2023

The population of Cankuzo called to get down to development work and comply with the laws in force

July 9, 2023

Christians of Kamenge United Methodist Church Encouraged to Keep Livestock and Poultry

July 8, 2023

The faithful of the Rock Church urged to trust in God

July 6, 2023

The inhabitants of Mwaro urged to cultivate their fields during the dry season

July 6, 2023

Local representatives in Muramvya province encouraged to sensitize the population to create vegetable gardens and to supervise children in holiday

July 6, 2023

United Methodist Church members urged to be characterized by love of neighbor and benevolence

July 6, 2023

The inhabitants of Mwaro urged to cultivate their fields during the dry season

July 6, 2023

Local representatives in Muramvya province encouraged to sensitize the population to create vegetable gardens and to supervise children in holiday

July 6, 2023

United Methodist Church members urged to be characterized by love of neighbor and benevolence

June 10, 2023

The population of Ruyigi urged to protect environment and promote coffee growing

May 6, 2023


May 6, 2023

The population of Ntega commune invited to gather in associations to increase the production

April 22, 2023

Mwaro population urged to maintain tourist sites

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