July parliamentary recess
September 16, 2023

The Right Honourable Sinzohagera invites the people of Bururi to contribute to the development of their constituency

September 14, 2023

Education officials in Bujumbura urged to implement strategies to improve pupil performance

September 10, 2023

The faithful of EUSEBU Church called upon to take care of the sanitation of Bujumbura Town

September 9, 2023

The population of Muramvya invited to protect the environment

September 3, 2023

Beloved Church congregation in Kabezi urged to work hard to develop

September 2, 2023

Bururi population urged to fight against bushfires

September 2, 2023

Honourable Dénise Ndadaye invites the inhabitants of Mwaro to comply with the law and support the village notables

September 2, 2023

The Speaker of the Senate warns people who sell plots to foreigners

August 31, 2023

Assessment campaign of the ethnic quota system in Karusi and Muramvya provinces

August 25, 2023

Assessment campaign of the ethnic quota system in Rumonge province

August 24, 2023

Continuation of the evaluation campaign of the ethnic quota system in Makamba province

August 22, 2023

Assessment campaign of the ethnic quota system in Ruyigi province

August 22, 2023

The Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to Burundi bids farewell

August 5, 2023

The population of Nyabihanga called upon to respect the law and fight against unwanted pregnancies among young girls

August 5, 2023

The population of Bukemba urged to get down to self-development work

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