In the year two thousand and twenty-four, on the fifth day of December, senators met in the Senate hemicycle for the 217th plenary session of the sixth legislature to consider two points, namely:
The session was led by Right Honourable Emmanuel SINZOHAGERA, Senate Speaker. This session which saw the participation of 32 senators and a Government Representative, Honourable Martin NITERETSE, Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, began, as usual, with a prayer at 9/ 30 a.m.
Opening the session, the Speaker of the session first welcomed the Honourable senators present and subsequently presented the modified programme of activities which were planned for adoption. The latter was adopted unanimously.
Then, the Speaker of the Senate read the letter of transmission from His Excellency the President of the Republic of Burundi of the candidate proposed for approval. After the reading and a word of welcome to the Minister, the floor was given to him to present the candidate’s curriculum vitae.
At the end of the presentation, the Honourable senators went directly to the vote and the proposed candidate, Brigadier General NINTERETSE Joseph, was unanimously approved by the voting senators including 32 present and 7 proxies, i.e. 100% of the votes cast.
Before closing the session, the Senate Speaker wished a safe journey, a good stay and a good return to the Honourable senators who will participate in the interparliamentary games of the member countries of the East African Community scheduled from December 6 to 18 of this year in Mombasa.
The session, which took place in a climate of perfect understanding, was closed at 9:51 a.m. with a praye
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