July parliamentary recess
January 21, 2021

Approval of Candidates to Ambassador Positions

January 20, 2021

Wishes of 2021 New Year between Senators and Senate Staff

January 19, 2021

Right Honorable SINZOHAGERA receives in audience the President of the Audit Office

January 17, 2021

United Methodist Church believers called on to prevent themselves against Covid-19

January 11, 2021

The Senate Speaker Visits the Rice Cooperatives of Mpanda Commune

January 10, 2021

Right Honourable SINZOHAGERA calls on ECPBU Christians to fight poverty

January 9, 2021

The Senate Second Deputy-Speaker takes part in the construction of Buhumuza modern stadium

January 8, 2021

The Senate Speaker meets local representatives of the population and administrative officials of Bujumbura city

January 7, 2021

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR) presents its annual report to the Parliament in Congress at Kigobe

January 3, 2021

Right Honourable Sinzohagera asks Nyambuye Christians to fight against poverty

December 31, 2020

The Senate Speaker takes part in the closing ceremonies of thanksgiving prayer in Mutaho commune

December 27, 2020

The Senate Speaker advises Christians of Gatumba to behave well

December 25, 2020

EMUBU Church believers were urged to make a retrospective look at the last year achievements

December 21, 2020

The TRC President files report on activities in Senate

December 21, 2020

Senators take part in swearing-in ceremonies for members of the Constitutional Court

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