Wednesday, October 2,2024: Committee work Thursday, October3,2024: Committee work Friday, October 4,2024: Committee work Monday, October 7,2024: Committee work Tuesday, October 8,2024: Committee work Wednesday, October 9,2024: Committee work Thursday,October10,2024: Committee work Friday,October11,2024: Committee work Monday, October 14,2024: Commemoration of the Assassination of Prince Louis Rwagasore Tuesday, October 15,2024: 9.00 A.M: Plenary session: Oral question with debate addressed to the Minister of East African Community Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture on the challenges of effective integration of Burundi, the revitalization of youth sports supervision and the preservation of culture. Wednesday, October 16,2024: 9.00 A.M: Plenary session: Oral question with debate addressed to the Minister of the Civil Service on the management of the database and the part of the Public service in 2040 and 2060 vision. Thursday,October17,2024: 9.00 A.M: Plenary session: Oral question with debate addressed to the Minister of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines on the plan for the rehabilitation of electricity networks and the management of disparities in payment for the joint Rusumo falls dam project. Friday,October18,2024: 8.00 A.M: Meeting of the bureau. 8.30 A.M: Meeting of the Extended bureau. 9.00 A.M: Plenary session: -Analysis and adoption of the draft program of activities for the period from October 21 to 31, 2024. -Analysis and adoption of the bill governing special economic zones in Burundi.
September 24, 2020

The Right Honorable Sinzohagera joins the natives of Nyambuye village in a crusade

September 24, 2020

The Senate Speaker invites Christians to work assiduously and safeguard the social cohesion

September 24, 2020

The Senate organizes a training workshop for senators in law-making techniques

September 13, 2020

Right Honorable Sinzohagera urges Christians from Nyabugogo to buckle down to development work to increase production

September 12, 2020

The Senate Speaker urges residents of Gitega to join efforts to self-develop

September 11, 2020

Visit of the 1st Deputy Speaker of the Senate to Ryansoro commune

September 8, 2020

The Senate organizes a training workshop for senators in law-making techniques

September 6, 2020

The Senate Speaker calls on Christians to pray for leaders and preserve peace

September 4, 2020

Right Honorable Sinzohagera joins the natives of Nyambuye village in a crusade

August 29, 2020

The Senate speaker enhances with his presence the ceremonies of the day dedicated to the youth of the CNDD-FDD party in Cibitoke province

August 25, 2020

Summary report of the Senate plenary session of August 25, 2020 on the setting up of the members of the Senate Bureau and adoption of the program of activities for the week running from 22 to 31 October 2020

August 20, 2020

Summary report of the Senate plenary session of August 20, 2020 on the analysis and adoption of the Internal Regulation of the Senate for the sixth legislature

August 16, 2020

Election of new members of the Senate Bureau

August 16, 2020

The Second Deputy-Speaker of the Senate holds a meeting with the representatives of some schools in Ruyigi province

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